The chance to receive money is something every student wants, because college is expensive. But no one wants to dread the long essays or the due dates creeping up. With just one glance, students stop reading the requirements to apply and think it is way too complicated! I need to answer what? How many words do I have to write? This is way too long, can someone just fill this out for me?
For some students, community college is just community college. It’s cheap and not expensive when compared to tuition for universities. Most can agree that the Pell Grant and BOG waiver is good enough for them and just enough to get by. Sure, you can use a scholarship at the university, but why not apply now for a scholarship to help you out before you actually need them.
There shouldn’t be any fear to apply, it’s another opportunity offered to students to help them out financially. Like Cindy Goodman, 18, is a nursing student who is planning on changing her degree to child development. Goodman did apply for financial aid. But aside from not being in financial need like some students, Goodman feels she might be rejected if she applies for a scholarship. This seems to be a pattern among Mt. SAC students, a sort of mandatory checklist when it comes to applying; and the dread that follows it.
To better understand how students can apply for a scholarship they should find themselves at the Financial Aid Office.There, Desiree Campos Marquez the Manager of Financial Aid and Special Programs for Mt.SAC. will be able to answer any questions.
Marquez is a former Mt.SAC student, USC Alumni,and a top 1 percent of her class. She has a triple major and is a first generation college student who talked about how she too used financial aid and scholarships to help pay for her tuition at USC. Marquez explained about the misconceptions students have about scholarships and understands that scholarships are very intimidating and taboo and ” Goes against cultural norms, number one we’re taught not to brag, scholarships is all about highlighting yourself, how wonderful you are and all the great things you’re doing.” Marquez said. Little did I know your scholarship award can be highlighted on your resume, because it shows that you stood out among all other students as Marquez explained.
To better highlight scholarships for Mt.SAC, students need to understand that applying for scholarships is not a taboo, it’s part of financial aid and there are no essay involved. So apply, your application will not bite back. It’s easy and it’s free money,but you better hurry the deadline to apply for scholarships is April 16, 2018. Visit Mt. SAC website for more info.