On Thursday, April 26, Mt. SAC’s Academic Senate held their regularly scheduled meeting to discuss the outcome of events and upcoming events. The meeting was held in Founder’s Hall at 11:30 a.m.
According to the Academic Senate website, the Senate “is a body of faculty representatives from all departments/disciplines that is responsible for making recommendations to the administration.”
The Senate also communicates with “the Board of Trustees on policy development and implementation with respect to academic and professional issues.”
Senate Vice President Lina Soto was in charge of the meeting because Senate President Martin Ramey was not able to attend.

Soto began the meeting by having a moment of silence to remember Board of Trustee Dr. David K. Hall who died on Sunday, April 22.
Senate members voted to include POLI 5 and POLI 7 from the IGETC list for the Associate of Arts AA degree for the Humanities.
Associated Students Environmental Senator, Logan Synder, provided an update of events. Synder shared the results of the recent Associated Student Elections.
Here are the new representatives for the Fall 2018 semester:
Mt. SAC will also be hosting a “Sustainability Fair” that was set up with Energize Colleges. According to the Energize Colleges website, the goal of the program is “develop students’ knowledge, skills, and experience to effectively evaluate energy career options and transition into the green workforce.”
The event will take place on Tuesday, May 8 in Kerr’s Corner and different organizations will be there as well.
Synder also mentioned Athletics Senator Lucky Morales who is working with the athletics department for the Athletics Fair. The goal is to promote community engagement and show the achievements of the teams on campus.
The Athletics Fair will take place on Thursday, May 10 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Kerr’s Corner.
Synder also asked the Senate to help communicate the need for student representatives on college-wide committees.
“We have a lot of vacancies that we want to fill,” Synder said.
The Associated Students digital report said that the Associated Students look for student representatives to ensure the student’s voice is heard.
Professor Liesel Reihart asked the Senate to listen to the “Magic Mountie” Podcast. The podcast is organized by faculty members to improve the success of students.
For more information regarding Associated Students please contact (909) 274-4998.
The next Academic Senate meeting is scheduled for Thurs., May 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Founder’s Hall.