The Mt. SAC Art Club is a safe space for students of different skill levels to come together and flex their creative muscles. The club brings together a wide variety of students ranging across various majors and encourages freedom of expression through all things art-related. Members are encouraged to make art, discuss what they see, visit local galleries and artists, and be themselves in whatever they do. Whether it’s through resource sharing or group inspiration, the Art Club is a community that brings together a mix of individuals from all walks of life.
The club meets every other Wednesday in building 1B/C-3 from 3 to 4 p.m., and activities range from field trips to in-class exercises that span across all art mediums. Upcoming club activities scheduled for the semester include on-campus drawing sessions, an end of the semester potluck and a few guest speakers, including former Disney Imagineer, Maggie Parr.
Whether your passion is drawing, watercolor paints, sculpting or printmaking, the club is a creative resource for students who want to learn and develop their skills.

During the latest meeting, held on Wednesday, Oct. 2, the club welcomed over 20 students on an excursion to the Mt. SAC Wildlife Sanctuary. After a quick introduction from club adviser and fine arts professor Melissa Macias, students gathered with art supplies in hand and trekked from the art building to the nature preserve to take in the scenery and put their creative talents to good use. After a brief tour of the sanctuary, students settled into the environment and began their creative process.

Students began sketching trees, ponds and the general landscape of the Wildlife Sanctuary. They were encouraged to draw what they felt and enjoy the experience. The club inspires students to let go, unwind and be creative, which serves as a release for many of the members, who see the art club as an extracurricular activity. Aaron Zhao, a 19-year-old economics major, joined the club because art is his creative pastime.

Club president Fatima Hernandez, 19, encourages anyone who has an interest in art to join the club, even if they do not know where to start. To her, the club guides students in the right direction. Whether it be resource sharing through other artists, YouTube videos on various art mediums, or for those who are looking for art critiques, this club has lots to offer. Not only does the art club encourage artistic expression, but it has also led to connecting people who have made lasting friendships.
“It’s a great way for artists to make new friends,” Hernandez said.
Club treasurer Josephine Maldonado, a 19-year-old music major, refers to the club as all-inclusive and welcoming.
“We take in anybody and everybody,” Maldonado said. “If you’re somebody like me who just likes to doodle and doesn’t have that much art experience…we will take you in. If you ever saw Harry Potter, we’re basically the Hufflepuffs of this college.”