Deaths of Black Citizens Ignite Protests in Los Angeles
Protests push against racism in southern California
Protests erupted throughout the region when Los Angeles Police Department officers in military gear push back on demonstrators on June 1, 2020 in Hollywood, California. Photo by Pablo Unzueta.
The death of 46-year-old George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of Minneapolis police officers, set off protests, riots and marches throughout the United States and abroad. Organizations like Black Lives Matter opened up information for protests, along with specific local chapters. Black Lives Matter had their name chanted by demonstrators at gatherings, coupled with “I Can’t Breathe,” echoing the final cries of Floyd, just as Eric Garner had when he died from a chokehold placed on him by a New York City police officer, and other black men who said the same before their deaths. Los Angeles demonstrators of all ethnic backgrounds showed both their anger at the disregard for black lives and solidarity with the black community, demonstrating from May well into mid-June. Activists and organizations took to social media as well as the streets to show how activism can be demonstrated either through a screen or through homemade signs. Looting, marching, chanting and police confrontations took place at demonstrations from Beverly Hills to Long Beach.
Award-winning student photographer Pablo Unzueta has been documenting and capturing the protests in Los Angeles. These are some of his photos.