OPINION: RGB’s Worst Nightmare: Amy Coney Barrett
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is rolling in her grave after Amy Coney Barrett sworn in as Supreme Court justice
Graphic by Abraham Navarro/SAC.Media.
The legendary RBG’s dying wish was disrespectfully dismissed and many Americans are in disbelief. Shortly after Amy Coney Barrett was sworn in as the 115th Justice, it was made clear the whole Republican party (including Trump and McConnell) had no honor. Trump, along with the GOP, have been riding desperately on a path to ensure his victory in the polls. The matter of filling the seat was pushed through, regardless of the consideration of voters who believed the decision should be made after election day.
Replacing Justice Ginsburg would be no easy task, however, this liberal icon deserved much more than to have Barrett come anywhere near her seat. The red flags are clear as to why this nightmare of a judge could impede on so many civil rights of the American people. Barrett, who is very conservative like Justice Scalia, also sways to rule in the favor of conservative positions. Unlike Ginsburg, who constantly fought for abortion rights and same-sex couples, Barrett will carry out Trump’s counter policies, like the puppet he needs. The Affordable Care Act, which provides healthcare for lower-income individuals and families, has been on Trump’s radar for some time now. With the help of Barrett, it could very well be at risk of completely disappearing.
Ginsburg was a respected feminist, who always stood strong for the rights of women whether it be abortion or racial discrimination. How could anyone possibly think that Barrett could come close to achieving a reputation like hers? Though Barrett’s history is not spotlighted like Ginsburg’s, the type of individual she aims to be is clear. Not only did she refrain from answering various questions during her hearing, she also had ties with a church which has accusations of sexual abuse amongst young women.
More importantly, the decision to confirm this justice without support from a single member of the minority party was the first in 151 years. It just goes to show how much worse Washington’s war over the judiciary has gotten, with the use of unjust tactics.
With less than a week until Election Day, Trump possibly feels that he has the upper-hand; after-all, the majority of the Supreme Court is now Republican and conservative.
Ginsburg had one final request on her deathbed–which was to have a NEW PRESIDENT appoint her successor. She was determined to remain on the court, even though she passed away from cancer. Rather than upholding her wish, Trump gave us the true nightmare that is Justice Barrett.
Barrett will never come close to being the respected woman that Justice Ginsburg was. Surely the notorious RBG herself is keeled over in her grave right about now. The rights of same-sex couples, low-income families, women and children are all in jeopardy. Buckle up America, we’re in for one hell of a haunted hayride.