Covina Pilots New Child Care Program
Federal and state lawmaking influenced the introduction of the program and new police equipment
On April 20, Covina approved the creation of a childcare program with their American Rescue Plan funds and enacted a police military gear usage policy.
The goal of the child care program is to provide qualifying families with up to $2,400 towards child care.
For families that qualify, the program will provide $1200 per child for two children per family. This money goes to qualified childcare centers only. Families enrolled in the program will have to provide proof that the guardians of the household are full-time workers or students on a monthly basis for a total of 12 months.
A guardian claiming to be a full-time worker will have to provide proof they are working more than 40 hours a week, and one claiming to be a full-time student will have to maintain a grade of a C or better. A family will be able to enroll in the program.
As the program is still being worked out, the specific details and qualifications necessary are subject to change.
As it stands, qualifying guardians must be at or below 80% median income for Los Angeles County of the most recent tax year. Among the aforementioned qualifications, the city has listed eligible criteria;
- Reside within the City of Covina (cannot live in Charter Oak, or any other unincorporated area)
- Meet required income limits
- Must not be receiving any other child care subsidies from any other agency
- Applicant(s) for this program must have primary physical custody of the child they are requesting a subsidy for
- Must not be a City of Covina employee
- Understand that all parents/guardians in the family home will be required to work full time or attend school full time and provide prompt monthly reports supporting these requirements to receive grant funds
“I know child care is so expensive,” council member Jorge Marquez said. “So this is definitely going to go a long way for those parents.”
The city council also approved Ordinance 22-05, which establishes a military equipment use policy, to be in accordance with AB-481.
The goal of the ordinance is to strengthen transparency and accountability when it comes to use of military equipment by the police department. Among other things, the policy compels the police department to coordinate with other law enforcement agencies, establish an annual report regarding military gear, engage with the community and establish a coordinator to oversee compliance with the policy.
A presentation on the ordinance was given by Chief of Police David Povero, and the council unanimously approved the measure.
The city council will reconvene on May 3.