Mascot Voted Down, “Mounties” Still Controversial
The taskforce has agreed on replacing Mt. SAC’s mascot, but some feel there is no way to rebrand if the college continues to use “Mounties”
After making decisions at a prior meeting, the mascot and moniker task force met again on May 26 to discuss how they will replace the college’s mascot.
At the prior meeting, 17 members presented to vote on the mascot and moniker. A total of 15 representatives voted to change Joe Mountie and two voted to keep the mascot. They also voted 12-5 in favor of keeping the moniker “Mounties” at the same meeting.
The May 26 agenda was to determine what process should be used to make the mascot change while suggesting the following draft process:
Summer 2022
- Develop criteria for mascot
- Develop survey to collect further ideas and missing criteria
Fall 2022
- Finalize mascot criteria and survey
- Survey campus
- Discuss idea finalists and criteria with key campus groups
- Onboard a creative team (internal or external)
- Creative team helps determine ideas for potential appeal
Winter 2023
- Determine recommendation to president
- Begin development by creative team
Spring 2023
- Review final drafts for president approval
Summer 2023
- Mascot iterations
Fall 2023
- New mascot launched
Since this meeting did not meet a quorum of voting members, it served as a discussion point for the individuals who were in attendance. No action was taken as several members have scheduling conflicts or are terming out of their position.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 3.