“If you aint mad about something then you are not awake.” -César Tlatoāni Alvarado
César Tlatoāni Alvarado is a 24-year-old, political science and world languages student at Mt. SAC.
Alvarado has coordinated events for the Political Science Club and Pride Club. His time spent inevitably garnering him endorsements, with both clubs endorsing him for Student Trustee.
Alvarado has also participated as a member for the Minority Male Initiative (MMI), Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán (MECHA), Native American Intertribal Student Alliance (NAISA) and Environmental Action Group for a Livable Earth (EAGLE), with the latter two also having endorsed him for Student Trustee.
A College Forensics/Speech and Debate team national bronze medalist, Alvarado draws from his experience to write. Alvarado used the opportunity at nationals to talk about intergenerational trauma within the Latino community.

Alvarado’s journey exploring his sexuality as part of the queer community began in second grade. He also identifies as a two-spirit person, saying that part of his identity derives from his more recent experiences reconnecting with his indigeneity.
“Being a two spirit person is having a masculine and feminine spirit and not taking any traditional gender,” Alvarado said.

Alvarado’s time within the Pride Club spans many years and stories, speaking to what he has gained most from his involvement with the club.
“It’s given me a lot of perspective on the way that not only human psychology functions, but how we view people in positions of power,” Alvarado said. “Also how that perception might not always reflect reality. And I think one of the things that I’ve really highlighted in this process is giving people and the structures the benefit of the doubt. I have really come to see and get to know the people within these processes.”
Alvarado’s participation and motive to be involved came from this sense of calling. “I feel called to do the work I am doing,” Alvarado said. He believes Mt. SAC is a microcosm for the broader state of the world, and encourages other students to be vocal about campus as well.
As Student Trustee, Alvarado is tasked to represent the student body on the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is tasked with the management of the institution, they are the executive body at Mt. SAC.
Alvarado’s calling and experiences have driven him to participate in many clubs. He says the biggest influences on his life were Dr. Andi Fejeran Sims, former Mt. SAC Director for Student Life, as well as his uncle who stepped up as a father figure in his life.
When asked what he would tell his younger self, Alvarado said: “Don’t be afraid to embrace who you are, it’s what the world needs, and it’s what you need.”