Mt. SAC on June 4th, held a town hall to address Pride Center updates, announced that the Pride Center will be entering Student Services.
The town hall lasted from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
At the town hall, Pride Center Faculty Coordinator Cara Tan, spoke to dozens of attendees about the new movements the Pride Center will be doing to better serve the Pride community.
A handful of students and staff that were eager to hear what each other had to say were present.
Eric Laura, who oversees the equity programs, will now be overseeing the Pride Center.

The town hall held a discussion in which attendees voiced things they’d like to see change within the Pride Center.
Student Trustee, César Alvarado, voiced that the current center was too small to accommodate for all the pride members. This was met with finger snaps and agreements within the audience.
Mt. SAC providing dorms, secret entrances for the Pride Center, mental health services, more food at the center, hiring more staff and hiring a full time director were all ideas pitched at the Town Hall.
Other complaints students voiced were that there is “too much trauma dumping at the center” and that there is a professor on campus who is openly homophobic.
Attendee Mei Lin vocalized that the Pride Center should be more limiting.
“I have a disagreement for the pride center being about everyone,” Lin said.
Lin then went to share that if you have questions surrounding LGBTQ+ you should go to “gender and sexuality [studies].”
Attendee Jose Toxqui Moctezuma discussed their appreciation for the Town Hall.
“I’m really glad that we had this meeting,” Moctezuma said.
The town hall proceeded to discuss and agree upon the many complaints of the other attendees and how they were spot on. Attendees also added that they want to see more inclusiveness for the deaf and hard of hearing community not only within the Pride Center, but within all communities and institutions on campus.
The town hall was met positively with many praising the opportunity it gave the community to vocalize their thoughts.
For any further information regarding upcoming future town halls, you can follow the Pride Center’s Instagram for updates.