Why is he so distant? Is he just not that into me? Do I have bad B.O?? If you ask yourself the following questions, because your man seems to be strangely distant, then there may be a chance that you’re dating trash. Take it all in… I know its hard. Believe me, we’ve all been there but like the boss-ass-bitch at you are, YOU WILL BOUNCE BACK! And don’t worry hun, its not you… it’s him. IT’S ALWAYS HIM! These are some of the ways to fully diagnose if your man has been infected with a serious trash condition.
How To Spot If The Guy You’re Dating Is TRASH
Some of the ways to fully diagnose if your man has been infected with a serious trash condition
About the Contributors
Joseph Harvey, Author
Joseph Harvey is the features editor of SAC.Media.
Angel Cardenas, Author
Angel Cardenas is a staff writer for SAC Media.