A small crowd attended the Walnut City Council meeting on Wednesday, July 25. There were only eight items on two agendas, and the chambers had around the same number of people in attendance as they did items.
As a result, the meeting was adjourned in little over 20 minutes.
With only six items on the consent calendar and an ordinance to pass, the council meeting was so short a Walnut Housing Authority Meeting was held during a recess.
During the city council meeting, one speaker took to the microphone to speak of their displeasure with the recently authorized bond measure.
“If I were to consider voting for any bond issue, I want to see the management of Mt. SAC, the president/CEO, and most of the Board of Trustees resign,” the speaker said.
He went on to describe giving that much money to the management as foolhardy, and reminded the council of the past troubles between the college and their city.
After the singular oral communication, the council reviewed and received a staff report on Ordinance No 18-05, which was a change to the city’s municipal code.
Bob Pacheco, a member of the council, asked the person giving the report a question, and was told that there was no changes to the verbage or other changes aside from a formal renumbering.
Pacheco said it had been difficult to line them up in the past, and that he is interested to look at it again to figure it out.
It, along with the majority of the consent calendar, passed at a 4-0 vote, with council member Eric Ching absent.
Item 6, which was pulled, referenced an increase in compensation to a consultant in the Morse Planning Group.
The consultant had done additional work for the Brookside project, and the item offers a $400 dollar increase to a total of $119,700 in compensation.
Mary Su, a council member, had issues with the developer in that project, and the raising of the price, but city attorney, Barbara Leibold, said that was beyond the scope of the item.
Su then asked a question, and further asked that her concerns be noted.
The person giving the report agreed, and they talked after the meeting.
This item also passed 4-0 after the short discussion.
Following the item was a recess of the council meeting, and the beginning of the Walnut Housing Authority Meeting.
That meeting ended as soon as it started, because the only item on its agenda was pulled from the agenda. Once Item 9 was pulled, both meetings were adjourned.
The next Walnut City Council meeting is on Wednesday, Aug. 8, at 7:00 p.m. which is 30 minutes after the Mt. SAC Board of Trustees meeting on the same day.