5 Things That are Dirtier Than You Think

You may think you are safe, but here are a few facts that germaphobes won’t want to hear. Here are 5 things that are way dirtier than you realize.


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Fountain Drinks

Yes, you read that right. You may get Postmates delivered to your door for maximum safety but did you know that the ice in your favorite fountain drinks likely has more bacteria than a public restroom toilet? Due to things like dirty ice machines, and the many hands that come in contact with your drink before it reaches you, restaurant ice is filled with significant amounts of bacteria and most often, feces.

Your Toothbrush

Surely you are safe in your own home from the horrors of ingested fecal matter, right? Wrong. Odds are if you share a restroom, you are not only getting your own fecal matter on your toothbrush, but you are getting the germs of those who you share it with as well. Despite what you may think, storing your toothbrush in a plastic holder to protect the bristles only makes matters worse. No matter how stored, your toothbrush will pick up fecal matter from your restroom. But to help you feel a little better, know that it is best to allow your toothbrush to dry fully between uses and store in a dry cabinet before use.

Your Credit Cards

Hate to break it to you, but your credit and debit cards are likely bigger nurseries for bacteria than your dollar bills and loose change are. When you take a look at a wrinkled dollar bill or a dull penny, you are easily reminded you should wash your hands, but when you whip out your credit card to make an online purchase, are you washing your hands after? Studies show that your debit cards are likely the most bacteria-filled item in your purse. Though you never know where your cash has been, your debit and credit cards pick up over double the amount of germs being placed on restaurant tables, swiped through machines and exchanged through many hands.

Your Pillows

Though washing your pillowcases may scratch your itch to stay germ-free, when was the last time you washed your actual pillows? Experts say that in order to clean dead skin, dust mites, droppings from dust mites and prevent contraction of the flu, you should be washing your pillows every 6 months. It is also recommended to replace your pillows every two years.

Your Kitchen Sink

Sadly, the kitchen sink does not simultaneously clean itself as you do the dishes.. Believe it or not, it is one of the dirtiest places in your house. In fact, it carries more bacteria than the garbage and the toilet. The wet conditions already foster bacteria but add days and days of food and the sink becomes a breeding ground for illness-inducing bacteria. A moist porous sponge does not help the situation either. To combat this, you should be cleaning your sink with vinegar or bleach once a week. And clean your sponge daily with hot water, vinegar or by sticking a wet sponge in the microwave.